I mentioned the not eating meat thing, and the number one reason for that decision was to start living a healthier life. Well, I had heard a little and did some of my own research on juicing as another healthier lifestyle change. As much as I applaud people who are able to replace food with juice, that is not something I see myself doing. I'll start by replacing one meal though - breakfast.
Know what the best kind of gift is? The kind that you know you want but don't really ever think about buying. So maybe you mention it and someone realizes how much you really want it and get it for you! That's exactly how I got my juicer. My sister and her fiance, Jenna and Chris, got me a juicer for my birthday after a few months of me mentioning it might be something I'd like to try one day. Here's my Breville!
Isn't she pretty? It has now become an almost every weekday morning event to make juice. I can't sit here and say that I absolutely love the flavor of the juice, but I also don't hate it. I know that I am drinking a glass full of vitamins and starting my day off right though. It is nowhere near the only servings of fruit or vegetables I have daily, but I wouldn't worry one day if it was. I honestly think it is a glass full of nutritious value! Here's an example of what goes into our juice - keep in mind we make 3 servings of it. So it might look like alot, but that is because it is...
It looks like cucumber, celery, carrots, oranges, apples, a kiwi, tomatoes, beets, and kale were all part of this mornings' juice. Juicing is not for everyone. In fact, the maybe one glass of it I have a day is enough for me. It's a healthy choice I am adding to my life now to hopefully one day consider it my lifestyle!
I want a juicer so BADLY!!! :) Sounds like a great way to be motivated to be healthy!!!! Hoppe you're having a great week so far :) XO